Peloton adds way to see distance-based running PRs / PBs (personal records / personal bests) to profile page

Peloton has added a new section to the profile page on the web browser that allows you to view your distance-based running personal records (PR) – also known as personal bests, or PBs.

Distance-based PRs displayed on profile page on Peloton web browser - 10K PR shown here.
Distance-based PRs displayed on profile page on Peloton web browser – 10K PR shown here.

Navigate to the “Overview” page of your profile and scroll down to the personal records section. There is a new widget that displays any of your distance-based running PRs. You can scroll left and right to view the different distances – such as 1K, 1 mile, 5K, 10K, 15K, half marathon and full marathon.

Note that these sections will not show up if you have not taken a running or walking workout with Peloton.

Distance-based PRs displayed on profile page on Peloton web browser - 5K PR shown here.
Distance-based PRs displayed on profile page on Peloton web browser – 5K PR shown here.

Earlier this year Peloton rolled out personal best badges – badges that are awarded when you achieve your fastest time traveling certain distances. Upon the rollout the personal best badges only appeared on the member’s workout history for that particular workout. With the addition of the distance-based running PRs section on the profile page, members can now see the corresponding times that pair with those badges.

These metrics are also available to view on other members’ profile pages. Note that these metrics are currently only viewable on the web browser and not the app, though we expect they will likely be added at a later date.

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Katie Weicher
Katie Weicher is a writer for Pelo Buddy. She purchased her Peloton Bike in 2016 and has been riding, strength training, and yoga flowing ever since. You can find her on the leaderboard at #kweich.


  • Hope says:

    Is this no longer available? I can no longer see my distance based PR’s listed in the Personal Records section of my profile Overview page.

  • Trish says:

    Hi! How is the fastest mile based? Today I did a work out it says I achieved a fastest 1 mile of 6:56. But when you look at my splits I am 9 min miles…. Does it take into account what your speed would be on a flat road? I’m confused by this!

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